公司坐落于广州市花都区,紧邻新白云国际机场,并紧靠华南地区最大的物流中心—-广州北站,交通便利,四通八达。使我公司产品便于销往全国各地,同期还远销欧美、印度、非洲等国家。 公司集成国内外先进技术和经验,以“诚信立本、追求卓越”的经营理念为永无止境的追求,汇聚了一批精诚团结,敢于探索的管理精英及专业人才,为公司的发展及新产品的开发奠定了坚实的基础。 并且,公司的产品“立本”“tachimoto”系列电熨斗及一体销售使用的“节能微型智能蒸汽发生器”系列,美观大方,性能卓越,其质量可以和韩国及欧美同类产品相媲美。并且已经率先获得了由质量监督检验检疫总局颁发的质量认证,149项测试全部合格。公司拥有23项该相关产品技术的发明专利,并已经把所有的发明运用于相关产品。
Tachimoto Electronic Co.,Ltd.was established in 2003,it is a foreign-owned enterprise in research electron Hi-Tech technical of industry and makes and sells the relevant product,China Association for Promotion of Non-Gove mental Sci-Tech Enterprised Director Unit,China Sewing Machinery Association Director unit and Guangdong Sewing Equipment Chamber of Commerce Director Unit,marked by steam generator and iron as mainly product and owned self-exporting authority,At present the product of the company foothold the market of inland and also sold all over the world.
We marked“save energy, conservation, innovation, high efficiency,socia harmony”as the long strategic and develop objective.
Honesty is the base of human,an enterprise and a country.