义乌市金科进出口有限公司是生产及销售为一体的大型国内公司, 位于浙江 义乌市,主营 服装防护用品、服装辅料 等。公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户第一”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。多年来生产和销售登山拐杖,床上用品,各种雨衣,防水服,户外服装等...出口到日本,韩国,美国和马来西亚等国家.尤其是符合EN-71欧洲出口标准和美国ASTM-T963标准的PE,PEVA.PVC.PVC单(双)面革做的雨衣和PVC涂层布.Pu涂层布做的高,中,抵挡防雨服,深受韩国,日本和美国商家的信任和青睐.公司负责出口产品的质量及出口业务,为客户打造最优质的服务.我们是客户之上,信誉第一的商业理念创造明天的繁荣!!!
We have been manufacturing and selling mountain sticks ,bedding products, raincoats ,waterproof cloth, and out door clothes for many years. Our products ,which have been exported to Japan, South Korea, USA , Malaysia and many other countries ,comply to EN-71 standards and European Export standards and ASTM-T963 requirements on raincoat and PVC coating clothes made in PE,PEVA,PVC,PVC single(double)sided leather material. Water proof clothes made from PU coating material are a best seller in South Korea ,Japan and America market. We are also able to handle quality control and export service on the aim of providing the best product service , creating the idea of customers are the first priority and excellent credibility.