Founded in 2006, Shanghai Shunwang Industrial Co., Ltd. has been specializing in the manufacture and distribution of glove leather and shoe leather materials(Superfine fiber leather, Stonewashed leather/nubuck/surface embossing, PU/PVC anti-slip leather, Breathable leather, etc.). Based on our advanced management system, we have achieved an annual sales volume of 2 million meters, with products sold to customers both home and abroad.
Thicknesses available: 0.5mm-1.8mm. Standard width: 54"
“Integrity and Customer Orientation” are at the core of all we do. Please feel free to contact us for more information about our service and products.
上海顺望实业有限公司,成立于2006年, 专业化生产和销售手套革及鞋革等人造合成革,基于先进的管理系统,公司年产量达200万米以上,产品畅销国内外。 产品一、超细纤维革 超纤革分别 为绒面超纤及贴面超纤,是一种高档仿真皮革,属新型复合材料,采用多项高新技术精制而成,比真皮出材率高, 导电性强,是未来的绿色环保产品, 产品二、磨砂革/牛巴革/表面压纹 PU牛巴革一般采用柔软、吸湿性强的聚氨酯树脂及专用的无纺布或 机织布及 绒面底布制成。具有天然皮革的优良特性,光泽柔和、质地柔软、富有弹性,且具有良好的透湿性. 产品三、PU/PVC止滑皮 PU止滑革:透胶底布和针织弹力底布,根据客户需要可做环保、透湿、透汗、防水、防泼水、阻燃、涩感、柔软度、弹力伸长率、防霉抗菌、耐水压、耐黄变等处理