浙江绿朋环保科技有限公司是加拿大Lord & Partners 公司在中国成立的控股子公司,专业从事Lord & Partners 公司清洗产品(工业生态环保型清洗剂、民用生态环保型清洁剂系列产品,以及专业清洗设备)的中国市场开发,以及相关的研发、生产、销售等业务。公司以“保护环境,节约能源”为理念,致力于降低能源、原材料的消耗,降低产品使用和废弃物处理过程中产生的污染,持续不断地为维护和改善我们的生存环境作出贡献。
“LORPAR绿朋”是Lord & Partners 公司在大中华地区(含港澳台)销售其产品的注册商标。
Zhejiang Lorpar Environment Technology Co., Ltd., is a Joint Venture Company, was established by Lord & Partners Ltd. an environmental Canadian Corporation. Lorpar is professional in the business of Chinese market development, research, manufacture and sales of cleaning products (industrial environmental cleaner, civil environmental cleaner and specialized cleaning equipments). The company mission is environmental protection through energy conservation, and it is committed to reduce energy, raw materials and waste disposal in the process of pollution, on a continuous basis to improve our living environment.
The company is located in Shaoxing Economic Development Zone,Zhejiang province, having excellent communication facilities, professional researchers who are introducing foreign advanced chemical products and equipments.
“LORPAR绿朋” is the registered trademark of the products of Lord & Partners Ltd. in China (Including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan).