华圣集团在浙江省苍南县自拥有“苍南县环圣棉纺制品厂”(注册号:330327000075326),“苍南县曙丰印业有限公司”(注册号:3303271001760) 和 上海市环圣纺织品国际贸易有限公司(注册号310115001073117)两大环环相扣的生产体有机结合,形成节资省能的生产体系.生产各类再生产品:再生棉花 棉纱 毯 拖把 毛粘 宠物棉绳玩具 毛粘 合股纱线 劳保手套等 和生产各类包装辅助产品 :无纺布袋.广告画册、纸类手提袋、,不干胶商标、包装礼盒、电脑防伪标、激光防伪标、各种塑料薄膜袋、真空薄膜袋、食品包装袋、高档礼品包装袋、广告纸、布标。 以此强大生产基地和大上海的国际贸易平台.本公司以生产基地的地方特色和优势,自成一体的销售网络和经营模式走出了一条以生产环保产品为核心的新路子,优质产品在国内和世界各国遍地开花。
About our company 'Shanghai Huangsheng Textile International Trading Co.,Ltd.'
Production and operational entities:
Relying on the governmental support, geographical advantage, and science and technology, we introduced advanced equipments to process granulation spinning, weaving, ropes twisting , produce spinning cotton yarn production, cotton cloth, caddice carpet, pet toys rope, mop, non-woven bags and so on with the help of airstreams machine, and promote production of packaging and printing various species.
About our company 'Shanghai Huangsheng Textile International Trading Co.,Ltd.'
Production and operational entities:
Relying on the governmental support, geographical advantage, and science and technology, we introduced advanced equipments