公司总部设在中国广东省广州市增城新塘镇甘涌开发区光华大道中段1号,香港完美国际有限公司 广州市增城名峻制衣厂拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。我们的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的普遍认可。完美国际有限公司携手名峻制衣厂热切诚邀广大中、外客商加盟创业,殷切期盼国内、外著名品牌加盟合作,共同铸造辉煌明天!
Hongkong AVP International Limited was established in 2005. Its entire-capital gartment factory, Guangzhou Mingjun Textile & Gartment Co., Ltd was established in 2007. The Managements in both companies have more than 10 years experiences in the line of Jeans gartments exporting trade and production. The hole team is at the international professional level and devotes to providing the best service to the worldwide buyers. Hereby, it obtains the buyers’ good affirmation and praise!