本公司是在国内率先应用先进的单片机和传感器技术,设计、开发和生产系列高、中、低档温度、湿度、压力、时间等工业过程控制用仪器仪表,温湿度变送器,红外线测温仪,环境测量用温湿度计以及全系列日用消费类电子产品。是目前国内生产该系列产品中品种多,规格全,质量好, 价格优的企业, 竭诚欢迎国内外的新老客户垂询、选用、合作或来样、来图OEM(ODM)加工制作。
We are the leading manufacturing company of control measurement and daily consumer electronics in China. Utilizing innovative and advanced technology of sensor and single processing chip, our company systematically research, design and manufacture a diverse range of products including industrial controller of temperature, humidity, pressure, time , temperature & humidity transducer and thermometer and hygrometer used for environmental measurement. We welcome domestic and foreign inquiries for our complete line of high quality and value products, as well as OEM and/or ODM projects