广州雅尔制衣有限公司 位于广东 广州市白云区工业区,主营 外贸服装、内贸时装、充气制品等。我司隶属的新时代制衣厂成立于1988年,有针织和梭织服装制造,发展20年多年来,逐渐由外贸服装加工厂发展为集服装研发设计、生产加工、销售出口,诚招代理商为一体的现代化企业;为了更好地发挥自身优势承接外贸订单,同时拓展国内贸易顺利开展的需要,本公司具有制衣厂和充气制品厂。
公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,为广大客户提供优质的服务。 热诚欢迎广大客户前来洽谈品牌合作、来样生产、代理加盟、看样订货,我公司将以诚信的服务来满足客户的不同需要!欢迎惠顾!
Yaer Garments Manufacture Co.Ltd is located at Newcity Industrial District of Baiyun District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province., specialized in clothing manufacture for domestic and abroad business. Our New Times Clothing Factory which subordinated to the company was established in 1988, with knitting and the tatting clothing manufacture, has developed from foreign trade clothing processing factory to the one with the collection of clothing research, design, production and sales .
It has become one of the best suppliers for the biggest Clothing markets in China such as Whitehorse,Blackhorse,Hongmian and other foreign markets.
We can also provide you inflatable products:castle,funcity,bouncer,slider,balloon,cartoon,skydancer,blimp etc.We guarantee the quality for 3 years.