佛山市南海区广源达厨房设备厂成立于2004年,专业为各大宾馆、饭店、院校、机关单位生产各种不锈钢厨房设备还兼营各种金属材料产品及新研发商用电磁炉及加工。本厂把“以质量求生存,以信誉求发展”作为企业的发展宗旨,一路以来我厂的产品都是采用高品质的不锈钢板材以及零配件来为广大顾客提供优质的厨房设备。 期待与你的合作!
Foshan Guangyuanda Kitchen Equipment Factory was founded in 2004, which’s specially produces comon and household kitchen equiment for dining hall of hotel,resturant,governmental department,and school.etc
with tenet of“To exist by quality ,To develop by credit ”.Our factory adopts you with quality kitchen equiment.We will continue to improve ourselves and provide high quality kitchen equipment to the famillies around the world!