高中英语常用词组 make an announcement
make an announcement 发表声明;发布通知;榜示;公告;宣布
Nasser: Good. King Hussein will make an announcement and I will make an announcement.
My message to the children - I'm going to make an announcement to the children and ask them not to be afraid.
Artest has stated that he will make an announcement on July 1 concerning the percentage of his 2011-2012 salary he will donate to mental health causes.
阿泰斯特表示,他将在7月1号发表一个声明,将他2011- 2012赛季的工资按一定的百分比捐给心理健康事业。
If all the members and creditors receive the notification within the prescribed time limit, the liquidation team shall be absolved from the obligation to make an announcement.
Officer: OK. We will make an announcement for you. Please leave your telephone number, we will call your as soon as we have your baggage.
They are expected to make an announcement later on today.
After having approved the application, the Registration Authority will take back the owner's original Website Name Registration Certificate, issue a new one and make an announcement.