高考英语实用短语 fall back on
fall back on 退到;求助于;回头再说
Low-income countries, weakened by high food and fuel prices over the last year, “have little to fall back on in terms of sheltering the vulnerable.
But so far his presidency has been vitiated by a combination of incompetence and a willingness to fall back on the very tactics that he denounced as a candidate.
Of course, showbiz is a good profession to fall back on - even after a long absence.
Even the most sophisticated companies have to fall back on established distribution systems.
O.K., it's a little facile. But what I'm trying to do here is spin the cliche, not fall back on it.
The cork goes off, hits me directly in the left eye, I fall back on the bed bleeding all over the sheets, Phyllis comes out of the bathroom screaming. I mean, it was a mess.
Most players who want to make it to the pros don’t have an education to fall back on when things don’t work out.
Some designers fall back on templates or personal work habits when conceptualizing a design.
Lenders can't fall back on their own judgments of a specific company or individual, because such judgments aren't part of their typical decision-making process.
Having even a small cushion of savings to fall back on allows people to deal with the unexpected, such as suddenly having to pay for medical treatment.