高考常用高频词组 take a deep breath
take a deep breath 深呼吸
Her lips parted as if she were about to take a deep breath.
Take a deep breath and see how long you can stay underwater.
When you feel nervous, you can take a deep breath to calm yourself down.
Sometimes I still get nervous and get those surreal moments when I think 'How did I get into this?', but I take a deep breath and it passes by.
When faced with tough questions like these, take a deep breath, slow down and then sound out your thinking process aloud and walk the interviewer through how you get to an answer.
Take a deep breath; here's how it would work. As Greek bonds mature over the next three years, the country would repay holders.
He just way too much space, so I just close my eyes and take a deep breath when I enter his McMansion.
Take a deep breath and consider the points below.
Take a deep breath in as you reach and hold the position, breathing slowly in and out for 20 seconds, taking longer on the exhale. Instant relaxation.
坐下双脚叉开 一手抓另一只手手腕 举过头顶来伸展脊柱.深呼吸保持这个姿势慢慢地呼吸上20秒钟 出气的时间长点.可以立刻放松身体.
Khamenei indicated that Iranians should take a deep breath in the aftermath of the vote.