高考常用高频词组 close down
close down 关闭;停止播音
Some small plants are forced to close down.
A combination of internal and external factors caused the company to close down.
On Thursday, the first full trading day in Europe since Dubai’s announcement, the FTSE 100 index in London lost 3.18 percent, to close down 170.68 points.
星期四,自迪拜声明后的第一个欧洲交易日,伦敦的金融指数FTSE 100下跌了3.18个百分点,收盘时下跌170.68点。
So why does Mr Sarkozy want to close down its non-French channels?
If, as predicted, the river falls by a further 20cm during the next fortnight, engineers say the remaining two turbines will also close down, forcing a total blackout in the city.
When they run into problems like disease, the commercial firms close down and move on, leaving the local people without jobs.
The businessman cannot close down his factory or shop because he finds it unprofitable.
The new government continues to close down newspapers, silence dissenting voices and ban or censor books and websites.
He has revised the legal regime governing al-Qaeda terrorists, put an end to brutal interrogations and promised to close down guantanamo Bay, to the delight of the anti-war left.
According to Mr Fujimoto's models, the last existing nuclear plant could close down in 2049.
The conclusions drawn from such an analysis are to transfer the surplus cash from a conglomerate’s cash cows to the stars and the question marks, and to close down or sell off the dogs.