高考常用高频词组 describe as
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An interesting question is: which of these approaches can we describe as "model-driven"?
一个有意思的问题是:这些方法中的哪一种我们能够描述为“模型驱动呢” ?
Rather, they are trying to focus attention on cognitive faculties that go beyond intelligence - what they describe as the essential tools of rational thinking.
And then there is configuration management — a concept that can be as challenging to describe as "quality" — which has traditionally held a number of different definitions.
Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide, which many scientists describe as the biggest man-made contributor to global warming.
What Python was missing is what Perl developers describe as "social factors."
Python 所欠缺的东西就是被Perl开发者描述为“社会因素”的东西。
The Anon Ops website was taken down suddenly despite having upgraded to what PandaLabs describe as a ‘bullet-proof server’ designed to resist botnet attacks.
I'd lost my glasses when the soldier punched me, and did not see what Jim would later describe as a "serious abdominal wound," and Manu, as "His insides were on the outside."
Most if not all the things we describe as addictive are.
But in September 2009, President Barack Obama canceled the Bush plan, opting for what experts describe as a more flexible approach.
The Geneva conventions also ban medical experiments on prisoners and prisoners of war, which they describe as "grave breaches".