高考常用高频词组 at the fewest
at the fewest 至少
At the end of the ten years, he says, the United States would have the smallest ground force since 1940, the fewest ships since 1915 and the smallest air force in its history.
Utah had the fewest smokers, at just 13 percent, while Kentucky and west Virginia tied for first place at 31 percent.
Schedule Your Workout: Look at your week and choose the day(s) with the fewest obstacles in your path for a lunchtime workout. Schedule it in your calendar just like you would any other appointment.
Under his "maxi-min rule", Mr Van Parijs observes that speakers at EU meetings automatically choose the language that excludes the fewest people in the room.
冯•帕里斯基使用“最大最小值原则”(maxi - min rule) 2来说明他的观点:欧盟会议上发言的人会自发地选择多数与会者听得懂的语言。
If your site serves tons of information you will want your users to gain access to it at the most fastest and fewest clicks.
Most people were at home and this was the time when the fewest trains were running .
Commonities can come into the hands of consumers directly or with fewest intermediate links at cheap prices.
People in Hong Kong work the longest hours, four more a day than workers in Paris, who spend the fewest hours at work.
The fewest deaths were among the group who regularly ate fish, even at levels far lower than those of the Japanese or Eskimos.
In some implementations, the individual pages may be divided into segments and the segments may contain the fewest number of elements that are written at one time as a basic programming operation.