高考常用高频词组 come into the open
come into the open 崭露头角;公开化
As discussions about LGBT topics have increasingly come into the open in recent years, more people have begun to show understanding, and even support, of LGBT groups.
Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, o my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.
Reverend Mailor reads from the Bible, “Revelations chapter three, verse twenty. Jesus said, ‘Behold, stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come into him.’”
"I'll come back later on to take away your trash," he promises, as he sets up a portable electric hot plate on the table. He snips open sealed vacuum packs of soup to pour into the hot pot.
The great wooden doors swing open, and my brother and father come into my line of sight.
Matters on Earth are coming to a head, and before much longer something must happen to provide us with the opportunity to come out into the open.
Whatever you withhold will still come out into the open soon enough and when it does it could make even more trouble.
Tell yourself that every time you crack open an egg from now on you won't be half expecting a leathery wad of bird to come flopping out into the skillet.
I'm glad our secret has come out into the open at last.
Adventures come from the sun climbed into the open space between the green leaves, shine I still fledgling Qi forehead, warm feeling spread throughout the body.
Then the best of you will be given the tasks to rebuild our country into a wonderland, we'll open our gate and welcome people from other countries to come over and visit, or to learn from us.
Only then will it be easier to weather any negativity that arises from the naysayers when the plans come out into the open.