高考常用高频词组 do research on
do research on 考查
"We get notices from speech pathologists, from computational engineers who do speech processing, from PhD students who want to do research on bias and accent judgments, from actors who need to learn a special part."
We can do research on all these things, but there's another technology, which is extremely important.
Well, I am a Linguistics major, so I do a lot of research and kind of focus a lot of my studies on acquiring language.
"Get on the Internet. Do some research. This industry is like the Wild, Wild,West right now.
We can do research on disease prevention and weather modification and global warming.
The issue is also climate change here. So,we need to do some research on the impact of climate change and how we can adapt to that.
There's much more research, much more advice on how to get rid of depression and how do I pursue my strength.
The point of the requirement is to give you all experience actually seeing what psychological research is about as well as to give us hundreds of subjects to do our experiments on.
Now several lectures down the road we'll talk about modern food and epidemiology; that is what the research on food intake and human health, and what do we know about our health and well-being based on diets.
Despite that fact,I argue that we need to shift the pendulum and do more "positive research",or in other words, research that focuses on what works.