高中英语常用动词短语 keep on doing
keep on doing 继续做某事;继续做
And in this game if they keep on doing that, it's going to drag them back to Nash Equilibrium.
it's the one job that I could keep on doing and it never gets old.
There are all sorts of security problems. And then there are problems that we in the West would perhaps regard as a little less legitimate, like the simple desire of authoritarian governments to keep tabs on what their people are thinking and doing.
But if you keep on doing boxes within boxes, I'm going to converge in on that intersection.
You keep on doing it a few times but then you say, " "Fine. It doesn't work," but what if it gave you money one out of every hundred times?
The easy thing to do would be the following: start at the front end of the list, check the first element. If it's the thing I'm looking for, I'm done. It's there. If not, move on to the next element. And keep doing that.