大学英语四级常用短语 be keen about
be keen about 喜爱
Traditionalists may not be keen to brag on Facebook about how many pavements they have cleared, but plenty of others are—thus helping to spread the city's message that everyone has to do their bit.
None of us too keen, but nothing to be done about it.
The press in particular—best to be honest about it—has a keen appetite for political upset, whereas the mass of the country prefers a quiet life.
Thomas Haden Church, as an about-to-be-wed Romeo, and Virginia Madsen, the waitress who is keen to prove that she knows about the finer things in life—like classic wine vintages.
The pair already knew dozens of owners who would pay for a more sustainable alternative to the traditional product they were using. (Keen to avoid alerting potential competitors, the pair asked me to not be overly specific about their product.) Now they are buying additional machinery and renting more warehouse space to keep up with demand.