大学英语四级常用短语 labour along
labour along 缓慢而费力地前进;艰难地前进
He found evidence of the use of child Labour and illegal working hours, along with concerns over the use of poisonous chemicals.
It is determined by growth in the supply of Labour (the number of workers and how long they toil) along with the speed with which productivity improves.
Other labour-market rules have come along.
The overall picture is of a Labour market that continues to chug along in the right direction, albeit far too slowly.
Only the explanation and explain along the scenic closely together, seriously, guests will feel you have paid for their Labour.
There are encouraging signs of a will to act and to prevent child Labour, to achieve greater transparency and visibility along supply chains as well as more effective enforcement of relevant laws.
Cheap Labour, along with a reluctance among buyers to rely on China for all their purchases, appears to have won the Bangladeshi industry a reprieve.
The Labour market remained slack in the early part of 1999. Yet a steady improvement was observed thereafter, along with the revival in economic activity and also the slow-down in Labour force growth.
Redundant labour in rural areas have rushed to major cities along the coast in China in recent few decades.
Along with the tremendous transfer of the country residual Labour force, one new social colony — children left in the rural areas, have come into being.
The cheap Labour force has been thought as infinite supply in China all along, but this year the shortage of peasant Labour comes forth in many areas.