大学英语四级常用短语 let up
let up 停止;放松;减少
"So we raise her up every morning We take her down every night, We don't let her touch the ground, And we fold her up right.
So let me go back up here, and I'm going to comment out that region, and let's uncomment this region.
I actually think there's something to be said for the fact that if your a company, let's say, starting up,
"Ok,Let's see,grocery shopping, Halloween decorating,dog to the groomer, hardware store,clean up the garden ...
So if I call, let's , let's set up s to be, I don't know, some big long list.
Ha! But I decided I was feeling good in the warm-up, so I decided,'let's just try for it,' so I did it,".
Well let me put up some real numbers and we'll see about how much the correspondence to what we've got here.
I couldn't let himlay there all alone, scared the way he was, so I grabbed him up and run him out of there.
I've lined up two of them and let me tell you about the two that I've already lined up.
And it just tears me up to see the solution that health care is expensive, so let's have somebody else pay for it."
Let me go ahead and open up instead a more interesting graphical carnation--incarnation of this.
"If we let people just do what they want to do and not be held accountable, that is opening up the doors to torture and abuse."
Some time around this period of time,in early Christianity, somebody got the big idea, "Hey,let's cut up the scroll into pages, and sew the pages together. And then,put it all in a book.