大学英语四级常用短语 run out from
run out from 从…延伸
They saw a yellow dog run out from behind the door.
Subsequently, the ward came the "murder of the" cry of … later, he was run out from the ward.
Owners of dogs from the kennel she and her husband run must sign contracts requiring them to return the dogs to the Sterns if they do not work out, she said.
From the solemn gloom of the temple children run out to sit in the dust, God watchs them play and forget the priest.
The mechanism (out of scope for this pattern) would run periodically to remove entity records that shouldn't be migrated from an alternate source to the preferred source.
Later they swoop down out of the sky on Egypt, for reasons the movie doesn't make crystal clear, so they also can run in slo-mo from explosions.
As with just about anything in programming, you'll save work in the long run by having a well-thought-out plan from the beginning rather than making things up as you go along.
If you want to run this example from home, you will only need to call this script index.php and place it in the served-out directory of an Apache/mod_php server.
如果您希望从主目录运行此示例,只需将此脚本命名为 index.php,并将其放在Apache/mod_php服务器的对外服务目录中。
Check out cttune.exe and dccw.exe respectively, or run the applets from Control Panel.
分别打开cttune . exe和dccw . exe,或者你也可以从控制面板上运行它。
Alternatively, you can check out the sources from Subversion, and then run ant war-demo to generate the JARs and WARs.
你也可以从Subversion上获得源代码,然后运行ant war -demoto generatethe JARs and WARs。
This approach favors use of libcurl directly from the app rather than shelling out to run curl on the command line.
About two hours and 80 miles out from Blenheim, the train began to run alongside the blue of the Pacific.
And there are so many forums online that it’s practically impossible to run out of ideas from them.