大学英语四级常用短语 take into account
take into account 考虑;重视;体谅
a medium-term phase out of what they call inefficient fossil fuel subsidies, although this would take into account what they call vulnerable groups and their development needs.
So you might ask well, why are we using this model if it clearly doesn't take into account quantum mechanics?
So I will take into account it that there is some contribution of both the nucleus and the electron.
(Obama's Speech) In crafting the U.S.response to global climate change, the president said congressional lawmakers must take into account the real price of America's heavy reliance on petroleum-based energy.
Of course, we haven't yet asked ourselves, how should you live ? if you recognize and take into account those facts?
The paper's authors tried to take into account other factors, but they admit it may not have been entirely possible to quantify differences in, for example,the recipient's health, which can be a big factor in the success of a transplant.
This is a little bit of a tricky experiment, so we decided we'll just smoosh it all in, and we'll actually be able to account for it, because we'll take into account the area of all of those atoms.
"If we refuse to take into account the full costs of our fossil fuel addiction - if we don't factor in the environmental costs and the national security costs and the true economic costs - we will have missed our best chance to seize a clean energy future."
The model doesn't take into account differences between the groups in voter turnout, based on the candidates.
Our spill response is designed to take that uncertainty into account."
There's a very important phenomenon that you need to take into account when you look at these histories of returns that are generated by active managers.
OK, so all I do is I take into account that I've got all the positive charge, whatever it is, it's a nucleus.
It's very expensive when you take into account not only the direct costs, but also the costs that you pay advisors to help you make these decisions.