大学英语六级常用短语 shield from
shield from 庇护使免遭
Normally, the Earth's magnetosphere acts as a shield from these harmful particles and protects the environment.
That is a lot of money to work with--and to shield from the tax collector and others.
Sergeant Lounge was carrying his AR15 and a ballistic shield from his cruiser.
There were a few of the stereotypical offshore tax cheats — native-born U.S. citizens who, on their own accord, decided to evade taxes and developed plans to use offshore entities and accounts to shield from taxation funds earned in the United States.
In becoming the first modern international tribunal to convict a head of state for international crimes committed while in office, the Special Court sent a clear signal that neither rank nor title will shield from justice those who perpetrate the most egregious of crimes.
Just as Hizbullah has used UNIFIL forces in south Lebanon as a shield from the IDF behind which it has rearmed and reasserted control over the border zone, so too a NATO force would facilitate an empowerment of Hamas and Fatah, which would unify, arm and organize free from the threat of IDF counterterror operations.
There has also been talk recently that Bank of America should walk away from the deal to shield itself from additional exposure to the most toxic corners of the mortgage market.
They point to a report from Deloitte that contends that mining helped shield Australia from recession last year, when the economies of most rich countries contracted.
We have it within our means to develop a multilayered missile defense system that could protect us from attack from rogue states, as well as shield us from missiles fired from ships off our shores.
In fact, one federal law, the Hatch Act, explicitly prohibits civil service workers from making such donations, the idea being to shield them from the politics of patronage.
So must the system of military courts, which shield soldiers from prosecution by civilians.
But in attempting to shield themselves from risk manufacturers may actually be creating it.
America's possession of nuclear weapons did not shield it from the threat of their destructive power.
So-called shell companies, trusts and other legal entities are often used to shield assets from overseas authorities.