大学英语六级常用短语 lease from
lease from 租赁的
Here is some sample code that shows how to get a lease from the kernel.
By contrast, successful charter schools in America have occupied former shops, which the schools lease from commercial landlords.
Seth Roland, the company's founder, says that his company's software reduced the time needed to put together a certain type of real-estate lease from 40 hours to one.
They lease the land from a local farmer.
This new "sector management" allows fishermen to lease quotas from other fishermen.
The mere threat of further industrial action has involved it in commitments to lease planes from other airlines and redeploy staff in order to fulfil its schedules.
The term "income from lease of property" shall mean income derived by individuals from the lease of buildings, land use rights, machinery, equipment, means of transportation and other property.
But by 2011 Chicago will have gobbled up nearly 75% of the proceeds from the 75-year lease.
Article 2: Lease term is five years from September 1, 2007 to August 30, 2012.
Why buy a piece of artwork when you can adorn your home with a series of low-priced rentals from a local museum or online gallery such as Art Rent &Lease, or even free pieces on loan from a library?
当你可以从当地博物馆或者诸如ArtRent &Lease的在线画廊低价租来一系列的艺术品,甚至可以从图书馆免费借来艺术品的时候,你作甚还要掏钱去买它们用以装饰家居?
In late December of 1980, several US servicemen witnessed UFO activity over a two day period near the bases of RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge, both on lease by the US from the UK.
1980年12月下旬,几个美国地勤人员在美国从英国租借的军事基地,水湾皇家空军基地(RAFBentwaters)和木桥皇家空军基地(RAF Woodbridge)附近,目击到了UFO活动,整个过程持续超过两天时间。