考研英语大纲常考词组短语 agree on
agree on 对…取得一致意见
So he is working cooperatively with Republicans on the things that they agree on.
These outpourings might not agree on the solution, but all agree on the problem.
Pages 6 and 7 identifies what principles the group was able to agree on.
It is largely, you know, almost entirely Kurdish and they agree on their common future.
Also, buyers and sellers often can't agree on how much a store is worth.
An obvious first step would be finally to agree on reform of party funding.
How often do 90 percent of Americans agree on anything? (Laughter.) It never happens.
But third and most important, there is a lot that America and China agree on.
One thing they agree on, however, is that sales will be significantly less than previously thought.
This vast and diverse citizenry will not always agree on every issue -- nor should we.
When reasonable people look for the sensible middle, you can agree on Social Security.
The opposition cannot even agree on a colour: yellow, orange and pink have all been chosen.
Or when Connecticut Democrats agree on a similar bill as part of a raise-every-tax-in-sight package.
We also agree on the need to start cutting spending and bringing down our deficit.
So I think we agree on the need to create jobs and to grow the economy.
Editor A is more hands-off, just wanting the work they agree on done on deadline.