考研英语大纲常考词组短语 halfway house
halfway house 折中,妥协;(出狱者、离院病人的)过渡教习所;中途地点;中途歇脚的客栈;兼有两者性质的东西
Jan was only a few months away from release to a halfway house.
Britain is in some ways a halfway house between America and the rest of Europe.
America is the only rich country that makes use of this halfway house of a system.
It's like a halfway house - and what's more it comes with yet more branding confusion.
For him there was never a halfway house between beginning a business and succeeding in it.
Nick's mom has turned her home into a halfway house for down-and-out relatives and stray dogs.
I helped him find refuge in a halfway house and in court helped him recover his unpaid wages.
The only chance they'll ever have is a halfway house, that'll help them get their feet under them again.
Alas, if Mr Cameron and colleagues think the ASA model offers a happy halfway house between compulsion and self-regulation, they may not be right.
Of some things we cannot be dogmatic; but we know this for sure-God has no halfway house between heaven and hell where he takes us to fumigate us!
A halfway house is the so-called "meat reducer", someone who only eats meat a handful of times a week and who spends time researching its provenance.
"There isn't a halfway house to register effective dissent without risk of nuclear war," says Peter Montagnon of the Association of British Insurers.
英国保险协会的Peter Montagnon说,“如果没有核战争的风险,将不会有表示异议的折中方法”。
“There isn’t a halfway house to register effective dissent without risk of nuclear war,” says Peter Montagnon of the Association of British Insurers.
英国保险协会的Peter Montagnon说,“如果没有核战争的风险,将不会有表示异议的折中方法”。
He had vanished from a halfway house in the Seattle suburbs in 2008 and begun eluding repeated efforts to track him in the dense forests of the Northwest.
Kostya spent two weeks in the refugee shelter in Gander before he was claimed by Father Nikita, a Russian Orthodox priest who operated a halfway house for Russian refugees in Toronto.
After he got out of prison, Roger served six months in a halfway house in Texas, and then moved to north Arkansas, where he worked for a friend of ours in a quick-stop service station.