考研英语大纲常考词组短语 drop box
drop box [纺] 升降梭箱;投件箱;低输出轴变速器
Reduce all Banks, lock registers, and place drop box safe deposit keys in the safe.
The Wall Street Journal launched a drop box of its own in May, but was criticised for not offering enough protection to leakers.
We provide an innovative, secure and anonymous way for sources to leak information to our journalists (our electronic drop box).
Unlike other outlets, we provide a high security anonymous drop box fortified by cutting-edge cryptographic information technologies.
There will be a drop box for the subject with your tutor's name on it, make sure you hand the assignment into your tutor's drop box.
Finally, the setAlbumName() method specifies the album to which the photo is linked (set the album value to default to place the image in the default album, or drop box).
最后,setAlbumName()方法指定照片所链接到的那个相册(将相册值设置为默认以便将图像放置到默认相册内或网络硬盘 内)。
We accept leaked material in person and via postal drops as alternative methods, although we recommend the anonymous electronic drop box as the preferred method of submitting any material.
We inhabit a world where the electronic machinations of diplomacy and national interest can be sent anonymously to a drop box at any time.
If the forces of national interest close down the current actors and Web sites, others will open (broadly supported by the quality news media.) Digital capabilities cannot be withdrawn and the thought of an anonymous electronic drop box cannot be unthought.