考研英语大纲常考词组短语 seek redress
seek redress 要求赔偿;寻求解决办法
You must seek redress in the law courts.
meanwhile, mobile courts are helping victims in remote forests to seek redress.
How can I as a private litigant seek redress for defamation that ruins my business?
Campaigners say the ruling paves the way for other Iraqis to seek redress in British courts.
An even more telling one will be whether minority shareholders will be able to seek redress against chaebol trampling on their rights.
The guide also maps out how to seek redress if your rights have been violated, starting with contacting the chief privacy officer at the institution you're having a problem with.
They are continuing their legal battle to seek some redress from the government.
Advisers talk of shorter periods before creditors seek legal redress and a refusal to negotiate until forced.
Exonerees may later seek redress from the cities, states and officials whose actions precipitated their wrongful conviction.
Copyright infringement is wrong and the owners have a right to seek redress.
If the host government were to default on its commitments, investors should be able to seek redress before special tribunals or national courts.
In addition, HP is preparing to seek redress against various parties in the appropriate civil courts to recoup what it can for its shareholders.
The plaintiffs who seek redress at the Supreme Court are rarely as polished as the movie versions that the Court can bring itself to love.
The idea of regulators caring for the public in an accountable way, or of courts where a humble citizen can seek redress, would sound naive to many Russians.
First, he has said he will apply to the Federal Electoral Tribunal for an injunction to re-establish his political rights, and may also seek redress in international human-rights tribunals.
On April 18th, for example, the Supreme Court blocked a Palestinian family in America from using American courts to seek redress from the Palestinian Authority for torture and murder.
Past experience suggests, however, that the very fact that we are party to a treaty regime may actually make it less likely that we will detect and seek redress of violations.
In 2003, some 5, 500 people, including teachers and parents, visited the education ministry in Beijing to seek redress over issues ranging from high fees to corruption and unpaid wages for teachers.