雅思英语常用固定搭配短语词组 close up
close up 关闭;愈合;靠近
From a distance, they shot at each other. Close up, they cut each other with knives.
But taking video close up on the field level kind of makes that strategizing pointless.
That's a strange metaphor - their eyes would glaze over and their ears would close up.
It's quite possible that we could close up today - and close up big.
Otherwise, save yourself a lot of money and anguish and close up your business now.
Mayors think of municipalities as cradles of democracy where citizens meet government close up.
We were faced with two options — borrow more money to pivot, or close up shop.
Want to see the two rivals close up without laying out that kind of scratch?
There is also a powerful LED light surrounding the lens for adding light to close up shots.
If colleges boot kids who fail drug tests they may as well just close up shop altogether.
According to EA, Dead Space 3 will not be patched to close up any resource farming exploits.
When dawn approaches, the cats finish their work, close up the shops, and swarm back across the bridge.
He had a hard time watching statesmen act ignorantly, and he was usually watching from very close up.
Some emergency medical technician handbooks even describe how to use duct tape to close up sucking chest wounds like gunshots.
From close up we watched the ravenous face of the larva and the swollen organ thrust into its wet mouth.
Users can also utilize the 3.6x optical zoom for close up shots and the camera's Dual Image Stabilization to reduce blur.
She got down on the floor, spread her arms, stood up, stepped back to gaze from a distance, returned close up.