大学英语词汇短语释义解析及例句 add attribute
add attribute 增加属性
You can add an attribute by selecting the add attribute icon as shown in Figure 15.
您可以通过选择add Attribute图标添加属性,如图15所示。
Create a new preference variable in the Add Attribute dialog, as shown in Figure 48.
在Add Attribute对话框中创建一个新的偏好,如图48所示。
Click on the + button to define a session attribute. In the "Add attribute" dialog enter the following values.
To add attribute groups to the criteria for an advanced search, select both a project and a type in the Advanced Search tab.
为了向搜索标准添加属性组,以进行高级搜索,您可以在AdvancedSearch 项中同时选中一个项目和 一个类型。
While a stereotype offers metamodel-level inheritance, a tag offers a metamodel-level mechanism to add attribute-like information to a stereotype.
You can also set whether an attribute is Keyable or Displayable directly from the Add attribute dialog box, instead of having to use the Channel Control Editor.