托福写作的2 项任务皆按从 0 到 5 的标准评分。托福写作的总分将根据评分比率转化为 0 到 30 之间的分数。
Two tasks are rated from 0 to 5. The sum is converted to a scaled score of 0 to 30
3人工评分 - 经严格培训的评分员以不具名方式对考试分数进行多重评估。ETS 评分员不断接受监控,以确保分数的公平性和高质量。
4eRater? 自动评分技术与人工评分员相结合,对独立和综合的写作任务进行评估。将人类对内容和意义的理解以及自动化评分系统对语言特征的评分结合在一起,确保了分数的质量和一致性。
The writing section is scored by:
1evaluating the integrated writing task for development, organization, grammar, vocabulary, accuracy and completeness
2rating the independent writing essay on overall writing quality, including development, organization, grammar and vocabulary
3Human rating — multiple, rigorously trained raters score tests anonymously. ETS raters are continually monitored to ensure fairness and the highest quality.
4eRater? automated scoring technology is used with human ratings to score the independent and integrated writing tasks. Using both human judgment for content and meaning with automated scoring for linguistic features ensures consistent, quality scores.